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Bandages for wound treatment: wound healing wipes

Обновлено: 13 мар. 2022 г.

The times when healing of wounds and other injuries was carried out with the help of ordinary bandages are long gone. Modern medicine has recently made a significant step forward in terms of wound treatment and is ready to offer simple and effective means for this - wound healing wipes. They optimally combine all the best characteristics of drug therapy, antibacterial wound treatment and even surgical repair of damaged tissues. Before you figure out what such napkins are, it is important to understand the mechanism of the appearance of wounds, as well as ways to treat them xenical prodej.

What kind of wounds are there

Depending on the nature of the injuries to the body, all wounds can be divided into two large categories:

1. Mechanical damage. These are well-known scratches, scars, cuts, burns, traces of surgical interventions, etc. The treatment of such wounds is primarily aimed at restoring soft tissues to their anatomical integrity.

2. Metabolic disorders. The nature of such damage is much more complicated than mechanical. Bedsores, foot ulcers caused by diabetes, as well as trophic ulcers can be attributed to this category.

However, regardless of the nature of the damage, complete wound healing can occur only in three consecutive stages:


Formation of new epithelial cells

Formation of connective tissue, that is, a scar

At the first stage, it is extremely important to clean the wound from any potential contamination. Otherwise, inflammation and blood poisoning may occur, which will lead to disastrous consequences. Damaged areas of the skin are extremely sensitive to drying out, therefore, at the stage of formation of new epithelial cells, it is extremely important to ensure constant hydration of the wound. At the final stage, a scar forms at the site of damage, which, if desired, can be removed using hardware cosmetology.

How Wound Healing Wipes Work

Today in medicine, wound healing wipes can be used for injuries of various etiologies and severity: both fresh and chronic. Only a qualified medical specialist with extensive practical experience in traumatology can choose the appropriate means of rehabilitation, as well as determine the frequency of their replacement. When applied to a wound , bandages perform three important functions for healing damage:

absorption of wound exudate

maintaining a certain level of humidity at the site of injury

protecting the wound from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms

It is extremely important that at the first stage of healing, the removal of wound exudate occurs without negative effects on healthy skin. Therefore, at the initial stage, absorbent bandages with a "breathable" surface are used. At the final stage of healing, wipes should reliably protect wounds from repeated damage.

What are wound healing wipes

Depending on the function performed, the features of the structure, as well as the nature of the damage, the rehabilitation accessories of the following varieties differ:

1. Absorbent. They are small soft pads made of non-woven materials assembled in several layers. Perfectly absorb blood and wound exudate.

2. Spongy. These are wipes with a unique porous structure, which are excellent for healing severely bleeding wounds. In addition, such rehabilitation means prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bloodstream.

3. Hydroactive. These are the most common and effective means of rehabilitation that are used for wound healing. Their main feature is that even with an abundant discharge of blood or exudate, they turn into a gel-like mass inside the napkin. This allows you to completely prevent the leakage of wound discharge.

4. Atraumatic. Such bandages look like an ordinary bandage, but have a larger mesh cloth with an antiseptic composition applied to it. Such napkins are convenient for self-use when rehabilitation tools need to be urgently used in the field.

5. Semi-permeable. It is advisable to use such napkins as rehabilitation aids for wound healing. In addition, they can be used to securely fix IV needles, catheters or cannulas during various medical manipulations.

Before choosing and buying wound-healing wipes, it is necessary to strictly take into account the nature and severity of the injuries for which they are used to heal. It is also important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and change the napkins only at the time set for this.

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